
When kids act bad, what objects do you take away from them as punishment?

by  |  earlier

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I subscribe to "White walls and a bed sheet".

If they want to act like they are headed to jail, I will take away everything and leave them with "White walls and a bed sheet".

I will give them a little jail cell.

What items are fair game at your house?

tvs, cd players, dvds, --- what?

Jewelry, time with friends, special snacks?




  1. Television, toys, games & pretty much anything that is categorized as 'fun' to them.

    Also, when they refuse to clean the room I will grab a garbage bag & say, "Well these toys can go a good little boy or girl that would like to play with them." This then usually has the child picking up the room fairly quick.

  2. I agree with you! If I only take away one thing from my son, he doesn't care he just finds something else to do. So I take everything and tell him to stare at the walls.

  3. Whichever object makes sense & teaches them why their choice was not a good one.  So, that would be whichever object they used improperly or showed that they are not ready to have in their lives.

  4. what ever is the favorite toy or thing they love using is what usually works.

  5. It depends on the crime. If they break something, they either have to work (around the house) for pay to fix it, or throw something-it's taken away. If they don't clean their room-put all toys on lock down (we used a big trash bag and put it in the attic) until a time has passed that you agreed on.

    Remember, with younger children time out is 1 minute for every year of age

  6. The things they love the most.

    It has been over the years:

    Strawberry Milk (this one hurt them like you wouldn't believe)

    Cell Phone (this one just kills my ten year old)

    Karaoke Machine (that one just kills my 5 year old)


    A really fun family outing. In the Summer we try to go to do something (pool/zoo/park/museum/etc) at least every other day.... my kids look forward to those trips and I won't hesitate to take one or two away for bad behavior.

  7. i don't know how old your children are that you are talking about but my son is 7 I take his 4-wheeler away, his favorite T.V. show that works great. I never tell him a punishment if I'm not willin gto stick to it so he doesn't think i will let him by with things. My mom use to take our phone away when we were teenagers. Or she would not let us go somewhere over the weekend that we wanted to go and do. It's mainly just what they are really into or really like that you take away.

  8. His hotwheels cars.

  9. My sister-in law does that.  

    I take away tv and computer. I threaten my 5 year old with those all the time, then she's a princess.

  10. One of my closest friends used to take all her child's toys and everything and put it in a box and say toys are a privledge and you cannot have privledges if you are bad. and he would have nothing in his room so if he was bored he had to only interact with her. He was probably the most well behaved children I have ever met because his mom followed through and punished every time it was needed. She did not ever just let him off if he did something wrong.

  11. It depends on the age of the child and the "crime".  Sometimes a time out sitting on the floor facing the corner in a room where you can supervise them is sufficient, especailly if there are other children allowed to watch TV or play video games in the room and they can hear but can't participate.  I got so mad at my son when he was 18 for some offense that I put him in time out.  He tried to defy me but his dad supported me.  I figure as the child lives under my room he abides by the house rules.

  12. it depends on how old the child is.  from the age of 8-12 I think its reasonable to take away their bike for a day, no playing with their friends, taking away video games or tv.  when they are teenagers (almost all teens have a cell phone) so that would be first to go and then I would take away hanging out with friends or going out on the weekend.  It all depends on how bad the child acts and then you have to decide from there what you think is fair to take away.  When the child is under 5 I would say taking away snacks and certain toys , tv, movies.

  13. Well i think that it all depends on what they did. if they did something really bad then you take away something they really enjoy and if they are talking back to you or something like that you just have to talk to them because kids do understand when you talk to them about it.

  14. I've always loved art so my mum used to take away my art supplies if I was bad. One of my sisters loved her bed and she was wayy past curfew so my mum took away her bed until she behaved.

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