
When kids become very different when they are a teenager, is it all technically because of hitting puberty?

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When kids become very different when they are a teenager, is it all technically because of hitting puberty?




  1. Technically yes, the hormones can pull them into directions they NORMALLY have no interests or desire to go into.

    As teenagers, the stresses magnify.

    1. Appearance.

    2. School bullies

    3. Clothing and attire. Again- appearance

    4. Placement in society, mom and dad, a semblance of wealth and position becomes desirable.

    5. School gets HARDER.

    6. Desire for popularity, beauty, athleticism, top grades, cars, good clothing

    7. Desire to "belong" in the "IN" crowd.

    8. Exposure to drugs, alcohol

    9. Preparation for post secondary education. Stresses with planning for university and college

    10. Dating and s*x.

  2. yes

  3. I think that plays a big part in their changing. But I also believe they are more interested in becoming independent, questioning things as the "norm," and trying to learn who they want to become as an individual.

    Somedays I am convinced the hormonal thing just makes them insane!    

  4. yes the ages 13-19 are when a person goes trough the biggest changes

    the biggest battle they have is on the inside.........its the simple way of putting it

  5. Or simply growing pain.

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