
When labeling someone a bust?

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Do you guys take injuries into play or is it a true stats game to most of the people here. I've seen it lately with the hall inductions and some other stuff that the word "bust" has been thrown around for alot of players, I just wanted to get some opinions, since their have been great players who were cut short or limited by injuries do you believe they should get the same fair shot at the hall.

Personally, I look at Eric Lindros, if injuries and off ice problems are taken out, and his body of work is looked at he was one of the best, if not the best, player of his generation and one of those "can't miss" players who could dominate games with his skill and physicality. Unfortunately, he is labeled a bust often and I've found it odd that a player who was so good is demeaned for having things out of his control happen to him.

Now I do admit there are busts, Alexandre Daigle for example never lived up to any of his expectations but Lindros and the like should get a better epitaph.




  1. When giving someone the title of "bust" I don't really consider injuries a factor in determining it.  It can be an afterthought and a possible explanation as to why they were a bust, but to me a bust is just that... someone who never lived up to their potential for any reason.

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