
When lifting weights, when do I add more weight ?

by Guest21329  |  earlier

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When lifting weights, I used to add more weight when I could do three sets of ten. Some say add more weight when you can do three sets of 15. Others say thats too many reps, at that point you're not building muscle because its almost getting into the realm of aerobic exercise. So, I am open for suggestions....




  1. when the weight become too easy up the weight.  Sometimes changing the order of weights helps also.  If you want to gain muscle don't do so many reps and sets.  And don't think everyday at the gym has to be a heavy lifting day.  Challenge yourself once a week or once every two weeks. lifting too much too often leads to injury.

    Good Luck


  3. Try to add weight every workout. If you can't do as many reps thats ok.  Just keep adding weight.  Eventually you won't be able to do very many reps.  At this point you want to start over again with the higher reps but with a higher weight than you did the first time and work your way back up.  You should never do more than 15 reps.

  4. It depends on your goals and level you're at, but in general you always want to be either adding weight or reps each workout.  For instance, if your goal is to bench press a certain weight 3 sets 10 reps, and you can only do 3 sets of say 6-8 reps each, each bench workout increase those reps until you're able to do 3x10, then it's time to increase the weight.  This is what helps prevent plateauing.  The body is amazingly adaptive so you have to keep pushing.  

    If you find you're stalling out on an exercise after a time and not making progress, either your diet or training program is lagging.  If it's only that exercise that's stalling and everything else is going up, change the exercise and do something else.  If everything is lagging, you need to make changes in the diet (most likely increase caloric intake of all macronutrients, or change the food types consumed).

    In general, 1-5 reps will focus on strength as this rep range stimulates type 2b muscle fibers.  8-15 reps focuses more on multiple muscle fiber including type1,  2a and 2b.  Over 15 reps focuses mostly on type 1 muscle fibers dealing with endurance (these fibers don't grow big which is why the rep range for hypertrophy is kept below 15 reps).  Stick with the 8-10 rep range and you'll be good.

  5. The thing is are u up for building muscle or toning? If its for muscle building, then you should do about 3 sets of very heavy lifting. Like 6-8 rep and u should be struggling to finish each set and u should rest very well in between sets to gain your strength back.

    Yes too many reps is for toning, fat burning etc. Hope i helped.

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