
When lightning strikes the ocean why don't all the fish die?

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When lightning strikes the ocean why don't all the fish die?




  1. The oceans have a very large area and occupy a very large volume. The electric charge from lightning is distributed uniformly through the water, and therefore it really doesn't really pose a threat to sea life. There is more ions in the water to take in charged particles than living creatures.

    On the other hand, if lightning struck a pool, then the electric charge would be confined to a smaller volume, therefore posing a greater threat.

  2. 'cos salt water is quite a good conductor, so the electricity passes through the water, and not through the fish.

  3. Gee i have always wondered that have a star i hope we find a decent answer!!!!xx

  4. because the electric eels take all the charge...

  5. Because the voltage decreases away from the location of the lightning strike. A few will die, but most will never even know it happened.

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