
When listening in Parliament, why do MPs nod their heads like toy dogs in the rear windows of cars?

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I get really irritated by the behaviour of MPs who sit on front and second row benches in Westminster and nod their heads like those toy dogs in the back of cars - I think it's downright childish especially as half the time they are also grinning and pointing fingers at the other side! . . . and I pay their salaries and expenses . . Grrrrrrr.




  1. The MPs sitting on the front row benches on each side, are the Party Hacks.  On the side of the house, we have our ministers and ministeresses.  On the opposition benches, we have the Tory Shadow Cabinet.

    Both groups nod their approval when their leader is speaking, especially at PMQs.  

    The reason for the nodding is to help keep up the pace of debate.  If MPs keep interrupting, then Mister Speaker must intervene with calls for 'order' - this slows down the business of the house.

    PMQs Hice of Comings

  2. d**n - you've seen through their ruse.  The fact is that, rather like in Prisoner of War movies, they are nodding dogs used to give the impression of MPs - to make up the numbers at head counts.  The MPs are of course making their escape - mostly through the tunnels dug during Gordon Brown's speeches.

  3. like churchill "oh yes!"

  4. Probably to let others know they agree with what is being said,and to catch the Speakers attention.

  5. To prove theyre not dead

  6. Well that's because they are nodding dogs. Serious! Our Labour MP doesn't vote according to the wishes of his constituents nor speak up on their behalf. He goes by what Brown wants (before it was Blair). They just sit there nodding and looking for the boss’s approval. Hopefully at the next election he will be kicked out….

  7. Nodding your head when someone else is talking is a sign of approval. It signifies that the person approves of what the speaker is saying.

    I think if you observe your own body language you will find that you do this at times. It is part of human body language

  8. to show that they're still awake / alive

  9. They do it to pretend they know what is being talked about.

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