
When listening to your favorite Radio Station......?

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What do you like to hear the announcer talk about?

I am an announcer, I do my shows alone on a top 40 station, and I am curious as to what people want to know, like to hear, etc. between the music. Any input at all is much appreciated!




  1. i like to hear the announcer talk about the news, weather, sports, who is having a birthday and which couple is celebrating an anniversary.

  2. would like to hear more live dj's as most stuff is recorded. like other person said, it would be nice to know what song you're listening to. weather, bits of news and joking around and having live guests on the air is cool too. radio was so much better in the 60's and 70's than now.

  3. I like when the announcer tells the name and artist of the songs he just played. DJs these days never tell you that stuff anymore, and it's annoying when you hear a song you like but can't identify. Also, any upcoming album news is helpful.

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