
When loneliness permeates your heart how do you find relief?

by Guest58122  |  earlier

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When loneliness permeates your heart how do you find relief?




  1. well i listen to times lonliness lead to cry because

    i completly hate lonliness,really bad feeling.

  2. Yes yahoo answers, although sometimes I find people that skirt me. You look like a nice person, when you want a friend, I´m here..

  3. Just because you're lonely and miserable, don't take it out on the rest of us.

  4. I loose myself in my music. Someone said use Yahoo. I agree.

    You need something to occupy yourself with. Never rush a lonely heart ... it can lead to more pain.

  5. I look at photos, exercise it releases endorfins. Keep busy. It will eventually pass. Take good care of yourself. You aren't the only one who feels like that. I get like that quite often. Try not to think of the same thing, it will drive you crazy. Talk to friends. Good luck to you, I hope you feel better soon.

  6. I call one of my best friends right away to go out.

    ( I enjoy loneliness though :D )


  7. Yahoo Answers

  8. I wish I knew

  9. look around and see what you do have, and be happy in your solitude. a pet helps too, even if it is a fish. I would rather live alone and be happy, than live with a jerk and be miserable,lol.

  10. The closest person to me or the classic...chocolate lol

  11. i listen to death, black and doom metal ...

  12. i resort to the phone.

    i can call a sister , a friend , and break the mood by speaking about anything of common interest .

    this works with me .

  13. I used to enjoy loneliness, but now I don't know what happened, I feel lonely even when I'm with my dearest friends, family, work, every where, with ever body.

  14. Push it away ,   take a deep breath and find something to entertain your mind .

  15. I do a number of things. I go to a book store and read (Borders or Barnes & Noble), listen to music, go play with my dog, watch TV, try and get a hold of my friends so we can talk. And lastly take some time to think and reflect about how my life is not as bad as I think it is. There are people who have much worse happening in their lives and I am fortunate that I have stability despite the lonliness.  It helps me keep things in perspective.  It is difficult but, it really makes me feel better.

  16. Jesus

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