
When looking at SATs, do colleges check cumulative/overall scores, or individual scores more?

by Guest66982  |  earlier

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if you have a weak section but the strong one makes up for it, will colleges see that?




  1. I agree with the above answer, but it also depends on what kind of school you're going to and what you plan to major in.  If, for example, you plan to go to a small, private fine arts college and major in theater, then they'll probably be looking more at your reading/writing scores rather than maths/sciences, if the school looks at your scores at all.  However, if you're not sure what you want to do and are more interested in a bigger school, like a state university, then the cumilative, more rounded score is definitely something you should aim for.

  2. They are looking for well rounded students.  So your cumulative score is more of a focus.

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