
When looking for a cello does hand size matter?

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I see a lot great of performers with long fingers.

Do i need a 4/4 or 3/4 or 7/8. Will 7/8 cello really make a difference. Never really seen an 7/8 cello by the way. i am 5'2 yet i have smaller hands.




  1. Good question.

    Here's my answer. Unless its extremely painful, I would go with a full sized instrument.


    1) I am 5'1 and I have extremely small hands and I play a full-size. I know others in the same situation.

    2) The proportions of a full-sized instrument are the best sounding. It's the proper proportions to get the most out of the instrument. These proportions are something that cellists and violinists have over violists and bassists.

    3) In my personal experience the best instruments I've seen are full sized.

    When looking for a cello, the most important thing is to play it! Don't buy it online unless its like Shar and they will send you the instrument to try. Even then I'd shop at a luthier's shop instead. That way you can try, ask questions, play, have things adjusted, etc.

    If you have any other questions, let me know.


    Edit: I don't get blistered from 'minutely' moving around the neck and I have small hands. That's rather silly.

  2. i play violin. i think hand size does matter when playing the cello. especially when vibrato(ing) etc. you should try the instrument out like other answerers said or simply ask a professional at the music store. anyway ask a professional and ask about it at ur local music if u have one ....good luck ....hope i helped :):):)

  3. Well first of all, TRY THE CELLO BEFORE BUYING IT!!!!!

    If you go to a music store, ask them to try it and see if the bow and cello is right for you.

    Just keep trying which bow and size cello fits you. The store keepers should be experts on them.


    That is the worst place to get one. My sister got one from a website and now the cello makes a horrible sound.

    GO TO MILLS MUSIC It's the best. They have tons of stuff and everyone at the store knows their instruments.

    Trust me I play many instruments.

  4. No it doesn't. Someone in my orchestra class has small hands but have a big cello. So in doesn't matter.

  5. Only if you expect to play it. Just kidding. Yes, hand size matters. You need to be able to reach your proper fingering without extensions and without having to move your hand from first position. If you can't, then the cello is too large. You could still play, but you would find yourself shifting hand positions minutely all the time instead of broader shifts just when you really need to change position, and that can make your piece much harder to play and your hand would get tired and blistered from constantly rubbing the neck.

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