
When looking for a job, does the employer take into account which university you went to?

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Do they look at what degree you have or what university you went to? e.g: if the university is ranked higher, would they pick that person over someone who's university was ranked lower. or do they look at individual skills etc.




  1. Depends on what kind of job it is. At the top of the law profession and a lot of other high paying jobs, I believe that the university name itself is very important as well as what grades you scored.

  2. All employers will want to know about you as much as they can, and they'll try to get information about you, considering what you've done in the past. Naturally, a highly ranked university will make a better impression from a badly ranked one, but some will consider that more then others, depends on the nature of the job and the character of the specific employer.

  3. That depends on which university it is.  I mean, if its one of the big ones, like a Ivy League school or a top tier school like Stanford, Michigan, Ohio State, Texas, etc., they'll be impressed.  BUT, remember, the majority of students and prospective employees do NOT go to these schools, so the most important thing for you to do is to STAND OUT at the school you go to.   There is nothing wrong with going to a smaller school, but regardless of where you go, bust your butt and make top grades.  THAT will impress EVERY employer,  no exceptions.  Join some clubs, "well rounded"  You'll be fine.

  4. They will typically look at the degree and or grades, if they are looking for specific skills.   However, for highly competitive jobs they will look at the university, the degree, the grades, your extracurricular activities, your honors, and your classes.

    When looking at grades they will weigh the university as well, because some schools it may be easier to get an A than others.  However, most recruiters feel that A students will always rise to the occasion, and may have had a more difficult time at another university, but will still have been a very good student, and most probably still an A student.

    They will also weigh the fact of whether you were just a student, or if you were an active student or if you worked.  Students that were only students should have very high GPA's; however a student with a high GPA, that has demonstrated leadership skills, and developed team work skills in extracurricular activities, and has some work experience, that is the students that everyone wants.

  5. Yes your employer does take into account what university you went into  

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