
When looking for a man to be in a relationship with, where do you draw the line on being picky?

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As the question said. When you are looking for qualities in a man, when does it become being too picky? Give examples if you can. Nobody is perfect but sometimes certain traits or qualities make sense to be picky on. Please help.




  1. I don't think you ever have to draw a line because when it feels right you just know.  The things that you used to be "picky" about don't seem to matter when it's the right person.  You won't see those things as flaws anymore.  If you're being picky and analyzing someone too much it probably means you're just not into that person and it's a good thing to move on :)  so, be picky!  until the right one comes along...

  2. i don't draw a line. i mean, i have strong standards (not quit eon looks particularly) especially on the guys relationship with God. and you know, if he is waiting for s*x until marriage. bit other than that and some other stuff, i am pretty much open. it's hard to fins a nice christian guy. you know?

    but if you are just being picky on looks, then i would say to lower your standards. or just get to know a guy, and when it feels right, then it's right.

    hope this helps. :]]

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