
When looking for a school for a toddler, what should I look for when searching or visiting schools?

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Im searching for schools for toddlers, if there are any educators or fellow moms and dads who have went through this, please help me.




  1. Cleanliness, the ratio of teachers or caretakers to child, the general attitude of the staff, and the disposition of the children who are already in their care.

  2. Ask for a print out of the daily agenda.  That should include several things, play time, snacks, naps, structured play, etc.  How many adults work there, and are they there every day?  Note the entire building, the carpet, walls, bathroom facilities. Also, ask for references, and do follow up by calling them.

  3. You've already been given some of the most important things to look for.  One I would add is language.  What kind of language is used around the children.  I do not mean kind/not profane, but actual English grammar and vocabulary.  If the staff is kind but speaks poorly, your child will not develop good language skills.  Toddlers are developing their language a lot at this age.

  4. Look for a program that recognizes that Toddlers are not small preschoolers. They should be flexible about behavior and recognize a Toddler's growing need to be independent. The room should have duplicates of many of the toys. The Toddlers should not be required to participate in group activities. Art activities should not be "cookie cutter" art that requires a model. They should be messy and allow the child to explore the materials. Run away if all the penguins on the wall look the same. There should be plenty of room for the kids to move around, but not so much open space that they run wild. Observe the class. Adults and kids should be enjoying each others' company. Typical tantrums should be handled calmly. The adults should spend a lot of time down at eye level. there should be a daily routine but it should be flexible enough to be changed if it is not working. Have fun looking.

  5. The top one for me would be their policies - that would be what their policies are on (for example)-

    Disruptive behavior

    Health and safety


    Trips out etc

    Then on how clean their school is - is it a bright fun environment

  6. Interaction with the teachers  or caregivers - do they get down on the child's level and talk to him/her or do they just talk to you?  Are there a lot of interactive and imaginative toys in the school - sensory tables, science activities, transportation, housekeeping, art supplies.  Ask about the program -is it academic or play based?  Ask about their discipline policies - ask to see the parent handbook.  Check the license and inspection reports - they should be clearly and visibly posted.  Good luck and have fun choosing the best school for YOUR child.

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