
When market food distribution is shut down.....?

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how and where do you plan to get food.




  1. Is grass edible?

    Maybe we'll just have to capture and roast the rats.

  2. From my neighbors, by force.

    Seriously though, it won't be shut down, it will just get more and more expensive.

    Bad Company, yes food is becoming more scarce, but that just means it will be more expensive.  The only people that will have a 'shortage' will be the people that can't afford the suddenly very expensive food.  Living in America, I will most likely be able to afford food.  People in, say, Africa, may not be so lucky.

  3. The First world, particularly the US, eats far too much and wastes some 30% of what it produces.  We have a long way to fall.  First, we'll eat closer to home - year round vegetables will be a thing of the past.  We'll grow and preserve more of our own food.  We'll eat less meat, and hunt and raise more of the meat we do eat.

    Plus, we won't be as fat anymore.


  4. Worm your wrong, better check the food reserves.

    Due to the high price of grains, the rich have sold off all our reserves and we are dangerously low, any mishap could be food shortages all over.

    We have stock piled months of food, just in case

  5. I've made the choice to eat as close to home as possible. I believe our countries dependance on foreign produce and other crops will leave us vulnerable as competition for food increases.

    I think the areas with healthy local agriculture will feel the increase in food prices less. I am fortunate that we live in an ara with a great food cooperative. I can purchase organic produce as well as poultry, pork and beef all grown sustainably within 100 miles of my home.

    I also have dedicated a large portion of my back yard to food crops. I was raised with chickens in my backyard in the suburbs, and will make that transition when the need arises. It is healtier to eat what is in season and will can or freeze many items fresh from the yard.

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