
When may an insurance company cancel my car insurance during the term of my policy?

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When may an insurance company cancel my car insurance during the term of my policy?




  1. at their discretion any time they want to for no reason what so ever, unfortunately

  2. whenever you don't pay is the only time i know of

  3. You should go for a proper program with an expert's help for a better  management. Check out here for some useful info and tips.

  4. When you do not pay or told them false information

  5. 1. Whenever you default on a payment.

    2. If they find out you have withheld material information to get a cheaper quote from them.

    3. If you make or attempt to make a fraudulent claim.

    4. If you make modifications to your vehicle after they have agreed to insure it, and they choose to no longer insure it due to the modifications.

    5. When it comes to your renewal date, they can decline you without giving you a reason as it is a new 12 month contract, and they aren't legally obliged to continue insuring you if they choose not to.

    6. If you breach your side of the contract in any way whatsoever.

  6. For car insurance the quick way to get a low quote is do a rate comparison on car policies. Make certain that you compare similar options with the same deductibles, car make, location, etc so that all things are a good comparison.

    What I usually recommend is an online comparison quote at since they have lots of insurers and can give multiple prices on car insurance polices.

  7. Couple of scenarios:

    If you don't pay your premium or if they found that you weren't up front with accidents or tickets when you signed up.  They can also cancel you if the found a fradulent claim

  8. for just about any if you have speeding tickets,

    I've had good results here...

    Good Luck.

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