
When men get older can they still get it up?

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Is there an age where men start to lose the ability to get a hard on? Or do some men just have problems with it no matter what age they are? What happens to all you 50+ men out there when you get older as far as s*x is concerned?




  1. It varies. And women's vaginal fluids can dry up! So enjoy your sexual youth.

  2. hey, i,am 59 and i still can get it up. when you get older, it don,t effect you as much as it did when you were young, you can take it or leave it.there,s more important things in life we have to deal with then s*x, like working, paying bills and putting a roof over your head.

  3. i'm sure many of them can, i'm hoping that i will when i get that age

  4. You bet they can.

  5. Today, a large number of men over 50 take blood pressure and cholesterol medications. Blood pressure meds can mess with the thermodynamics and cholesterol meds cause low testosterone. The low fat diet that everyone thinks is soooo healthy, causes low testosterone and soy products contain estrogen compounds. What chance do we have? I am 52 and now that I have eliminated these problems, it works just as good as ever. Well it does take a bit longer to recover but what doesn't.

    Pharmacist who's life was almost ruined by Lipitor

  6. when you get older, can you still get it open!  

  7. Yes we can!!!  Maybe over 80 we'll lose some of it?? s*x at 50 is just as good as s*x at 15. Yes some men do have problems when younger. I had low testosterone and started taking injections that brought my hormone level up to about the same as that of a 25 y/o man and now it gets hard as steel. :)

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