
When mentally challenged people get teased or bullied, do they dislike the people who being mean to them?

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  1. for my son the answer is no. My son doesn't dislike anyone.

  2. it depends on what they're disablity is. certian kids will forgive you if your nice to them.

    but if you're doing can you pleas stop, they have enough to deal withh on they're own..

    i have al lot of family that has autiusm. i feel so bad for them because people treat them so mean and they don't take the time to get to kno them or see what they're would is like inside.

  3. being one who grew up that way. i hated many of them, but learned how to get around some of that. however it also taught me how to help kids who are going through what i went through. also some of those who did what they did are worse than i am in their lives and they say what comes around comes back at you one day and that seem to be the fact. one such person bullied me just for being differant , only to find out we were the same. i am a military brat and so was she, only her friends were not allowed to know her dads job and she called me a traiter and n**i just becuase i was over seas half my life. , only to find her cring over summer that she had to move becuase her dad was being sent to a new base.  so it is also in how you view the reason behind the bully or teaser. my best friend in school was a quadroplegic and yet not many knew he was a genuis. 2 girls were teaseing him and i stood up for him telling them that he has more brains than the two girls who where making fun of him.

  4. Of course!

  5. my son doesn't like being bullied or teased but he is a child who seems to like everyone no matter how that person may treat him. he is very loving towards anyone he comes in contact with & sometimes that is why he gets bullied & teased but ihave raised him to be the loving little boy he is & it takes someone from the school or another kid to tell me about  someone bullying him or teasing there may be some challenged people who dislike the people who bully & tease them but not all challenged people are that way.

  6. usually, but many are too good hearted and forgiving-the bullies could learn a lesson from them

  7. Yes, first they will be hurt, maybe cry or disappointed what they just did to him/her. But if that person is nice to him/her,

    they will forgive, because it's hard for them to make friends and keep friends.

  8. First of all you need you learn "people first" language. They are not mentally challenged people, they are people with disabilities.

    Any person with or with out a disability will have hurt feelings if someone teases or bullies them. A disability does not change how somebody feels. More people need to realize that someone with a disability does not differ from anyone else just because they have a disability.

    Please check out the NWDSA = Northwest Down Syndrome Association at

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