
When might Hydrogen Cars become readily available?

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I know that they are already in development, but when might we see them in actual vehicle showrooms?




  1. hold your breath

  2. They are already available.

    You can buy one or have your present car converted to run on hydrogen.

    And yes, hydrogen is actually safer than gasoline, although the naysayers will try to convince you otherwise. But that is because they do not like hydrogen, not because they know what they are talking about.

    The Hydrogen car company on 5700 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles will fix you right up.

  3. as soon as the government can find a suitable excuse to highly tax hydrogen we will see them.

  4. Not soon enough.

  5. Coaster, the technology is in place for hydrogen cars.  It's the infrastucture that will be the big problem.  We're going to have to figure out how to get hyrogen available for every driver in America, otherwise it won't ever become commercially viable.

    There are some new ideas on the horizon that are making hyrogen filling stations a viable option within the next decade, but I doubt if you'll see much progress before we tick off another 5-7 years.  

    I feel hydrogen is our best energy solution at this point, I've totally soured on ethanol and am turning sour on biodiesel as well.

  6. At least 5 years.

  7. I don't know about commercially mass produced, but some are already on the market. You can pay to have your car converted, Arnold recently had it done to a hummer of his.

    In Germany they're coming out with the hydrogen 7 by BMW, it's a luxury hydrogen car that can run on hydrogen or gas at the flick of a switch, so if you live somewhere with a hydrogen station you can just use that, but if you travel somewhere with none you can fill up on gas. Companies in the USA will also make this conversion, appearantly it's not that hard, because you can have hydrogen combustion engine, instead of using hydrogen fuel cells, which are still in development it seems.

    But as I recall they've been in car shows for a long time, so they have to come out with it soon. I know some places make it easier, like Germany or Western Canada, because you have some filling stations. Part of the problem is what good is a hydrogen car without any hydrogen? One company made a home-hydrogen kit that also heated your water I think, but it was just for a car show.

    So we're only a few years from mass commercial production, but it's just a matter of infrastructure and publicity. When people want it enough they'll come on the market.

    They make the most sense too, because our planet is mostly water, we should get some use out of it.

  8. Its already out but theres only 2 air stations for it in singapore one at each end!

  9. (  ) All you have to do is believe its on its way . I love mine

  10. when they can figure out how to keep them from blowing up........if hydrogen cars were available than you would have nothing but bombs traveling down the road....

  11. sometime either next year, or in a couple fo years.

  12. you can buy hydrogen generator and convert your car to run on hydrogen  I Just do not know how serious they are.Let us and world know how it will work for you

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