
When mixing turpentine with linseed oil should I keep it in a closed jar while working on the canvas?

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As you may see, I'm new to painting and I decided to experiment by myself...!!!




  1. I always keep any type of thinners in a closed jar. A little inconvenient, but necessary.   Please use them in a well ventilated room or outdoors.  I've had the unfortunate experience of ending up in the emergency room because I did not follow my own advice.  The fumes can do damage to your lungs.  Mine felt like they were filled with cement for 3 days.  Had to sleep sitting up.

    Take care.

  2. I would suggest using an odorless solvent. "Turpenoid" is good or any other turpentine substitute. You should keep any volatile covered and never use in a closed space. Lots of ventilation is called for.

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