
When moulting, is it normal for my cat to leave CLUMPS of fur???

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When moulting, is it normal for my cat to leave CLUMPS of fur???




  1. My long haired cat does when she is shedding.  I've had her for 4 years and she has done it every year, so I don't think it's a problem.  She is quite healthy.

  2. Mine leaves clumps on the floor whenever he scratches himself. Long haired kitties leave bigger bundles. Try brushing or combing and it'll be neater.  

  3. When my cat moved in with me last year, I kept finding clumps of fur on the floor.  I thought that she was getting attacked  by the local Tom cat.  When this year's shedding season started, I made sure that she was shut in when I went to work.  I still found clumps of fur on the floor and realised that it was natural.  If, however, you cat has bald patches were the fur has come out then I would get it to the vet to be checked over.

  4. I come home every day and find clump's of my cat's fur on the floor.  It's perfectly normal - unless there were some bald patche's - then I would get her checked just to be safe!  A good brush from the pet shop has helped improve this problem and if brushed gently, you would probably find your little darling would enjoy it!!  

  5. Cats don't moult, they shed hair just like we do. Take your cat to the vet!

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