
When mounting your horse in an active arena with other riders, you shoul do what?

by  |  earlier

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this is for howrse riding lvl 5 test




  1. Bring the horse to the middle of the ring making sure that you don't cut off any horses that are working on the outside of the ring.  If there are other horses in the middle of the ring, make sure you are far enough away from the other horses that neither you nor your horse can get kicked.  If there are other horses in the ring, your horse's head should be facing the same direction as the other horses and his body should be parallel to the other horses (less chance of kicking).  Fix the saddle and girth (the saddle usual slips back; make sure it is in the right place and then tighten the girth).  Grab a mounting block if there is one (it's easier on the horse's back if you get up from the block) and get up from the left side of the horse.  Adjust your stirrups before you leave the center of the ring.  When you're ready, ask the horse to go out to the outside of the ring (if a squeeze of your legs doesn't work, try a little kick or use the crop, but if there are other horses closeby be careful - he may react badly and back up into another horse or try to kick someone) and begin warming up.  Have Fun!

  2. well, 1st of all, as the other poster said... take the horse into the middle of the ring & make sure that your NOT in anyones way! Check the girth to make sure it is tight and that the saddle is in the right position. Don't want it slipping as your trying to get on! Ok, grab the reins, put ur foot in the stirrup, and mount up (or have some one give you a leg up!)... or if need be, have someone hold your horses reins so he/she doesn't walk off, etc....

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