
When moving, what do you do first?

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I'm looking into applying for college in a different town than I live in currently. My husband and I are at a loss for what to do first. Do I apply for school, do we look for a house, or do we look for jobs first? I just don't know how to even begin this process. If I get into school, what if we don't find a job or house in time for me to start? Or, if we find jobs, what if we don't find a house in time to start the jobs when we say we will? Having two homes at once isn't an option financialy. Renting a home for the time being is not an option as we have two Labradors and three cats, and I doubt anybody would rent to us with that many animals. Don't say get rid of the animals, as that is NOT an option. Please help! Any tips would be greatly appreciated.




  1. 1. yu gotta be ADMITTED tu a skuel B4 yu fret.

  2. I would see if there are junior colleges in your new destination.  If so, the education element can be done in a short time frame so put that on the back burner.  You can always start classes in fall, winter, or summer so you have flexibility there.

    Regarding housing, start by doing research on the web.  You will need to know what parts of the town you are willing to live in and get an idea of prices.  While you're doing that go ahead and work on getting jobs.  You didn't say what type of work you are looking for, but some will take longer to find than others.  

    You are going to be in a bind with your animals when it comes to trying to rent.  Three cats and two big dogs won't be acceptable to most landlords so if the animals are non-negotiable, looks like you need to find a place to buy first.  You can make your purchase  contingent upon selling your current home.  If worse comes to worse you can rent out your current home and move to the new one.  But, I would focus on finding employment.  

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