
When my baby wakes to eat, should I change her first or immediately feed her??

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I have been doing diaper first because after she eats and falls asleep quickly, I don't want to have to disturb her to change diaper. What do you do?




  1. answered your own question!..this is exactly what i do  

  2. I change her diaper first. My doctor suggested that after feeding a baby, hold her up for 10 minutes to make sure everything gets to her stomach and what not ok. Plus when she wakes up, usually her diaper is soaked especially if its at night. I would wait to feed her, its only a couple of minutes before, and that way you go to sleep right afterwards. (also my daughter usually spits up if i lay herdown right after she eats, even if its to change a diaper, so thats why i do it first and hold her up afterwards)  

  3. exactly what I do because otherwise you have to wake them if they fall asleep when babies usually do

  4. I change her half way through when I burp her, that way I know that I have enough bottle left to get her back to sleep

  5. in the middle of the night?  

  6. I think what you are doing is perfect, even if the baby is screaming for food they could also be screaming because their bum is wet, and they will be a lot more comfortable while feeding if they have dry pants!  You are doing it perfectly!

  7. I'd change her first -- just make it quick.  (If she's wet, it just takes a moment anyway, and if she's dirty, neither she nor you would appreciate going through a feed with a dirty diaper!)

  8. I'd change her first, even if she's screaming.

  9. I always change first so baby can be comfortable while eating.

    Good luck!

  10. feed half bottle then change then feed other half...

  11. I would do it before...chances are that you can get them back to sleep quicker, then you don't have to wake them up.

  12. depends on if she is dirty or not. if she is dirty you should change her.  

  13. At first I did what you did and I still stick to it most of the time. Sometimes, if I've just changed her only an hour ago (if she has done a poo) I leave her for an extra hour or so. In the night now i don't change her at all in case it wakes her up too much.

  14. I change my 7 week old daughter's diaper before I feed her that way she doesn't have to sit in a wet/'dirty diaper while she eats.

  15. change her as fast as you can then get her that bottle ! you don;t want her to develop a rash belive that!

  16. Depends on which is more urgent. If they're screaming for food, food comes first. If they're poopy or have diaper rash, bum comes first. Don't worry about disturbing her to change a diaper... they need to get used to it.  

  17. keep doing what you are doing, she likes having dry pants too

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