
When my boss let me go her reason was this "lots of reasons but I cannot think of any right now" ?

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what kind of answer is that? my contract is year to year and they didn't have to give me a reason but this is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Do you think she just wanted me out. Do you think I was doing a good job that she just had something personal against me and it had NOTHING to do with my work performance?




  1. Only you would know...I don't think anyone can answer that for you expect the two of you.  Did you get a feeling she did not like you?  Did you get the feeling she did not think you were working hard enough?  Does she have a friend she plans to hire in instead?

    Since your contract was up, they don't have to give you a reason.  But there could be a million factors.  I think you need to determine why yourself.  If you can't come up with anything, then find out if they plan to replace you.  If they do, then I would guess you weren't right for the role or she has someone else in mind (maybe a friend, thus why she has no real reason to give's not what you know, but who you know sometimes).

  2. WHen you file for unemployment, she will have to give them correct answers and they will investigate. SOuld it be simply she was in fear of her job because you could do it better?  Or is she one to listen to office gossip?  Stick to your guns, be persistent and try to get her to put her excuse in writing. It would give the unemployment people a real hoot!  Hang in there! You are fighting for yourself

  3. She just wants you out.  -_-

  4. Hello SweetPea,

    When an employee is hired at will, the company can fire the employee for any reason or no reason. This is not true if the employer is in violation of some state or federal law. The employee can also fire the employer for any reason and without notice. The legal presumption is that if no employment contract is in place the employment is at will.

    You state, “my contract is year to year and they didn't have to give me a reason but this is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.” If you had or have a contract of employment with your employer then you may want to review the terms of that agreement.

    A contract of employment ...agreement will specify the terms of employment including pay, type of work and hours. These agreements are based on the type of employment, the sort of business, and the duties of the new employee. They should clearly describe what the employee does for the employer.

    They should also just as clearly describe what the employer does for the employee. The circumstances of the job should be outlined concerning…

    Employee Non-compete Clause

    limits the employee from competing with the employers business after the employee leaves


    precisely what benefits or fringe benefits such as employee stock options, health insurance, disabilty leave, vacation leave, etc.

    Length of Service

    wil it be 6 months, one year, no time limit


    a way to resolve disputes


    employee discretion regarding company trade secrets, procedures, personnel and customer lists, etc.


    this can include moving expenses, bonus incentives, operating expenses, salary, etc.


    including non-compete violation, not performing job duties, company not profitable, and business reorganization

    I hope this helps,


  5. It usually is personal if they can't give you a reason.

    I went through the same thing. I worked for a place for ten years and they hired an new manager. We had a personality conflict from day one because he didn't know anything and felt that I was a threat. When he fired me I asked him the reason so that I would not make the same mistake at a new job. He told me "nothing that I can pinpoint really".

  6. Your boss doesn't need to give you a reason for letting you go. She was probably afraid that you would yell if she said the real reason.  

  7. No one here is a mind reader.  Your contract was up.  That is reason enough.

  8. Its a shame she couldnt be upfront with you.Regardless, let it go. Move on to better jobs and better bosses.

  9. Say: "I'm thinking of taking you to court, but I can't remember

    a reason just now".

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