
When my cat sleeps why does she twitch?

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My cat is 15 and maybe that is the answer,but when she is asleep,she twitches alot like nerves or something.Her head kinda keeps going around in circles.And then she gets up and walks away and sometimes looses her balance and starts to fall over.Is she dieing on me?




  1. She might have an ear infection. I know in humans at least, when they have ear infections it messes with their equilibrium. It could also be why she's moving her head in her sleep. Take her to a vet, hun. She needs some medical attention.  

  2. your cat is probably dreaming...sometimes looks scary and sometimes my cat even moves her hands as well as her head and eyes.  

  3. wow your cat is old. but dont worry . all pets that walk do that. She might have a problem with sleep walking or she might just be light headed wen she gets up. That happens to me all the time. and everything that moves twitches once and a while. Mostly when you are still. You probaly do to but you dont know because you are sleeping. But just in case take her to the vet for a check up and mention that. =)  

  4. Time to see the vet, he can tell you what you need to do.  

  5. My cats do that all the time. Its just dreaming! This might be serious, but most of the time its not. Cats do it all the time. She dreaming shes fighting. And when she gets up she's all hobbly cause she was just fighting in her sleep! Wouldn't you be all akward if you were fighting in your sleep?

  6. she's having a dream,instead of the dog chasing her,she finally chasing the dog..its normal cats and dogs do dream.

  7. REM. (rapid eye movement). She is simply dreaming and waking up groggy... we all get old and have a harder time rousing.

    And yes, we are ALL dying a little every moment, it IS where the "big parade" is heading, it is just at 15 she is a little closer than say my kit at 8.

  8. my dog does that  to. it means that she's dreaming

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