
When my dog went into labour she had no signs?

by  |  earlier

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I have a mastiff x akita who was pregnant, I took advice from here (yahoo answers) and most importantly from my vet. I did all the usual things prepared her whelping box etc and watched her closely observing any of the signs I was told by people on here and my vet. I did her temp twice daily and she gave birth lastnite with no warning at all. Everything went well and she is doing great. I was just wondering has this happened to anyone else before, When the dog shows no signs of labour until actually birthing. Many thanx x




  1. Yes! I have a Neapolitan Mastiff that had bred with my other nea. mastiff. and no puppies came. Some of them can have faulse labor and some of them do everything they should, or that we know to look for. And then, some of them do it all by their self. She may have had a high tolerance for pain wich is why she wasn't shaking or panting. Also, my mastiff had her temp. do everything that it was supposed to such as go up and down and up again and no puppies. Do not worry unless you notice her acting like there is something worng with her or that there is something wrong with the pups. Congrads.

  2. our black lab did not show any signs and had 15 healthy pups  

  3. Its possible she went thru all the signs of labor during the nite after you went to bed!

    There's no hard and fast rule when it comes to labor..  just like people.. some women go thru various phases of labor and could start dialiating weeks before the actual delivery date..  and some start dialating and have birth within hours!..   Some dogs may start dropping their temp a few days before labor.. and some it may only be hours.

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