
When my plastic blender fades in colour, is it safe for baby?

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I asked this qn a while ago but forgot to ask if it is safe for baby's use?

Why does plastic fade in colour when i add hot water?

i added hot water to sterilise my baby's blender but i realised that the colour of the base has faded (where the blades are). The plastic did not melt. Can someone advise what happened and is it safe for baby's use? would she have consumed the colour?




  1. It is not safe to put any child in a Blender>

    Sorry, little bit of humor.

    There is recent news about chemicals leaching out of ( plastic for drink)

    You may have to check with local physician or health dept.

  2. This reminds me my similar question: are these plastic-paper or waxed-paper cups they serve at coffee-bean safe when used for hot coffee or tea? Or will the plastic outgass under heat?

    So i did m own test: i asked an extra cup then back home I poored very very hot water in the paper cup, and in a ceramic mug

    30min later both cups were cold, so i drank both and guess what.... the paper cup water did NOT smell bad, in other words it did not seem that the plastic outgassed or leaked into the water

    I think when plastics notoriously decompose its because of UVs more than heat?

    So i suggest a similar hot water test with your blender...

    (note that just because water does not smell does not mean its chemical free and safe-for-baby, yet i think its a good test)

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