
When my son speaks he is not pronouncing all of his words clearly. Any suggestions, on what I may use to help?

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He is 3 years old and very smart. However, he just moved up 2 a class with 3-5 year old and his teacher expects him 2 know just as much as the oldest kid in class. I have a nephew who speaks well and so does most of the kids in his class, so I feel pressured to get my son up 2 their speed. I am aware that everyone develop at there own pace and that this may take time. But in between now & later what programs or toys may I use?? Again, someone who has experience or knowledge of a child with unclear speech, please do leave me information or links, programs, and toys, etc that may be benefical. Thanks!!




  1. repeat it over to him and ask him to say back until he gets right

    this is a star answer

  2. You will drive yourself crazy worrying about this.  Boys naturally speak later than girls.  When my children speak un-clearly or gramatically incorrect I repeat what they said, in the form of  question, but I pronounce it correctly.  This method will not make the child feel singled out or frustrated .

  3. When i was little i couldn't pernounce things right so my parents took me to a speech specialist. it was really fun i always looked forward to going.but shes probably dead now so i can't refer you to her. i got stamps on my hand and stickers when i did a good job so if you can find a nice speech specialist things will work out well.

    i'm in all ap/advanced classes now.

  4. Iit happens a lot... i would get him in to speech therapy... before it turns into a speech impediment, which is permanent.

  5. you can take him to speach classes

    they have many programs for speaking improvemnet

  6. sit with him for a while every day and say the words that he needs help on and keep repeating them and have him try

  7. buy any computer program or video game that can teach basic language, etc. these are pretty effective if you know what really connects to your child. The more your child can connect with it than the more that he can learn.

  8. just talk to his teacher and try to make learning more fun, try teaching him at home with games because the more fun you make the more that they will learn...

  9. Everyone develops at their own pace and you are not aware of that!! I read your question a few times

  10. It really depends on what he is having trouble with; what words does he have difficulty with and how does he pronounce them?

    Many schools provide free speech therapy due to government programs, speaking with his principle is always worthwhile, as they can let you know about options that the school can provide as well as options outside of the school that they recommend.

  11. Three year olds are not expected to speak that well.  There are extremely common sounds that they don't have the ability to make yet.  R's, L's, and ending consonant sounds to name a few.  Give him time to develop on his own.  If he is still having trouble in Kindergarten, the school should pick up on it and request to have him tested for Speech therapy.


  13. ignore that a**hole!

    try enrolling him in speech class, me and my siblings ALL had problems with the letters s&l!

  14. my son had the same problem, eventually they grow out of it.  be careful not to be to harsh on him, it will give him a complex. I know you said not to give you info on but they're very helpful and fun for your toddler..Leap pad is wonderful and my son use to sit and play with it for hours. Good luck, be patient, he'll get it!

  15. Have his hearing tested.

    Some children are born with one or both ears that close up and they need to have tubes inserted in their ears.

    And don't pressure the poor kid to "catch up - you'll turn him into an anxious over-achiever.  If he can't catch up, it's better that he be allowed to progress at a slower speed - he'll be a far happier adult.

  16. My brother has the same problem and it it would be goo to see a speech therapist

  17. He may have a speach problem. I did when I was youngre it's not big deal ask a doctor. Hope this helps! :D

  18. try reading him more books

    make him try his hardest to pronounce food names before he eats them

    do the same with his toys and movies...ect

  19. my son at the age of three wasn't speaking at all so i got him evaluated and it turned out he had a speech problem... within a few months i wasn't able to shut him up.... also make sure they do extensive testing because when my son turned 10 he was diagnosed with autism....... a few tricks i learned are..

    when your saying a word to him put his hand flat of your mouth and he'll be able to feel it and will try to pronounce it also try to put his hand over neck where your voice box is this helps as well

  20. I have a three year old neice who just had a birthday and I got her the Leapfrog LeapPad Reading and Writing System. It was about 30 bucks and if you go to the LeapPad site you can ge the books to go with it for about 4 bucks. She loves it and so does her older sister who is 5. You can get different books that are age appropriate and it may help with his writing and reading and just doing it and speaking outloud may help. Hope I did!

  21. First you need to get him with a different teacher. Everyone does develop at their own pace. You can work with him one on one and that will help. But speaking from experience the more he is around other kids and hearing them talk, the more he will pick up.

  22. Check out these toys

  23. get him a speech therapist they worked  well with my son. he speaks clearly and well.

  24. Hi galfriend, you do not have to be much bothered. I have a 3 years old boy and he is not the best speaker in the world among his age but am not bothered.

    Some kids have alot to say but feel shy around people, my son expresses himself better to me than his dad, his dad doesn't realy understand all his words and I always interprete them to him.

    There is also a beautiful girl of 5 that I know, when she was 4years, she wasn't talking very well, the mother was so concerned and took her to the doctor, they did a diagonise and suggested a speech therapy class and all that but the father stood his ground and said no to the idea. Today at 5, she talks and expresses herself perfectly without the recommended class.

    There are lots of factors that could make a child be in that position, it could be envirenment. Just like the tendency of a 2nd child be able to talk faster at a younger age than a 1st child who has no brother or sister to imitate ot relate to.

    As you said in your post, kids learn at different pace. I am glad you know that because US is a pressurized country telling people what is right or wrong even though this is not the best for everyone. If you take your child to some doctors, they will start sending you to their referals not just because they care about you or your son but because they want to make money off you.

    At this point, I will say that if you had a goood pregnancy period without the issues of drugs, alcohol or medication abuse, relax and enjoy your precious one.


  25. Try reading to him.  Pronounce the words phonetically and get him to "help" YOU read by repeating what you say phonetically in return.  Get him involved.  By thinking he's teaching mommy something that should get him excited!

  26. Get a home phonics curriculum and work with him.  It won't hurt and it may help.

  27. I think you need to focus on what you already know - that everyone develops at their own pace.  However, I know that is easier said that done.  I think Leap Frog software has speech programs?  I'm surprised to hear that your childs teacher expects him to keep up with 5 year olds.  I'm a teacher and know that that is completely unrealistic.

  28. like others say, read more with him. while reading point out the words. use flash cards or the fridge letter magents making words. you pronounce words slowly and very clearly. when he mispronounces words, dont say "no, dont say __", just repeat the mispronouced word correctly back to him.

    my 5 year old had trouble pronouncing certain letters around 2-3, and i did the above and she now speaks very clear and reads on a 4th grade level.

    good luck !!!

  29. A 3 year old should never be expected to act like a 5 year old in development. The plus side is if he is hanging around kids that age he will mimic their speech. Dont talk baby talk with him and just work with him a little at home. I wouldnt go over board with him though...then you give him a complex.

    A 3 yr old has a three minute attention span.

  30. When my daughter was 3-1/2, I noticed that some of her friends spoke better than she did.  So I sat her down and showed her where to put her tongue and within a few days, she was speaking fine.  I was surprised how quickly it moved.

    My second child had the same problem, but it didn't work as well.  She just wasn't ready and I started when she was too young.  She just couldn't do what I was trying to get her to do.  I kept trying every month or two, and suddenly--i think she was about 4-1/2, something clicked and she got it.  Also took less than a week.  

    Give it a shot.  Do one sound at a time.  Don't try to do them all.  Have him exaggerate the mouth movements, and speak slower.  He can do it, and you can help him.  Good luck, and take your time.

  31. speech pathologist

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