
When naming a child...?

by Guest61577  |  earlier

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What is the most important thing or things to look for?

(Eg; Meaning, how it sounds, origin, etc..)




  1. I think the child needs to suit the name.  I never picked a name until after they were born.

  2. like whether it unique and how it sounds and if its common

  3. How it sounds is most important to me.  Popularity of the name is second, the origin is third, and the meaning is last.

  4. For me I used family names. They had so much more meaning. Wylie and Nicolai!!

  5. -Pronunciation


    -if it is suit to a child

    -and if you and you're family are agree with that name....

    hope it helps you

  6. I think you've covered it, but it all depends on what matters to you :) For us, we chose names based on what they meant to us, how they sounded with our surname, and just our take on the name in general.

    This is a great question. Have a star!


  7. the name that you like best (meaning to you) or just a name you think suits your son/daughter. don't listen to what other people want as it's your should be for you and your loved one to decide :D

  8. Associations.

    Gladys and Ethel, for example, are associated with middle aged and above ladies.

    Kevin and Sharon with somewhat Chav tendencies.

    In truth, such associations do change over the years.

  9. For me it was how it sounded with our last name.  Second on my list was common sense; could people spell it and pronounce it.  Third was how common it was in our area.  Fourth would be meaning.

  10. The meter of the name - how it sounds and rolls off the tongue - is important.  Especially for boys who will not have a last name change later in life.    

    Meaning is mostly irrelevant unless you mean to the family.  You know like 'He is named after my father...'.

    Origin can be nice if it is relevant too.  Like if the kid is all Irish, then an Irish name would be neat.

    My wife and I took months to choose names and had them ready before the births of our kids.  Remember the kid has to live with your choice.  Many in here play naming like a game.  Good luck.

  11. the impotactance ,and they name you want to give him....

  12. A name that will better the child in future life.  You see some names (particularly some that celebs use) where if you saw it on a job application form you would probably throw it straight in the bin.

  13. well try it out kid on he she is about 5 and shout on him her for example

    freddie come and get your dinner if you like it then its fine but then kid on hes with all his mates when hes 15 and try shouting it and try to imagine you being called it would you be embarrassed then your child will probably be as well a person has the right not to be embarrassed about his her name like sunday or apple i mean how cruel can people get

  14. I think how it sounds, especially when put with your surname (think about the school register) also think about what it can be shortened to(nick names they might end up with), meaning.

  15. All of the above you might want check the meaning of the name before.

    Like my name means samart, intellegent and beauty in body and mind and soul. you might even want to combine two names that you like.

    i combined my mothers and mine. and it sounds beautiful.!!! hop this helps.. :)

  16. In order:

    How it sounds,

    Does it go with the surname,


    Although origin is vital because I'm Muslim so my children will have an Arabic name.

  17. you need to make sure that if you choose that name, your not embarrased to shoutit out load, or tell people what your childs name is. because youre gonna be doing a lot of this!

    it should sound good with your last name, otherwise it may just sound stupid.

    You and your partner must agree on it :)


  18. First of all I think it's important to find a name that sounds nice with the child's last name.  You don't want to pick a name that will be ridiculed. ex: If your last name is Collins you might not want to name him Tom because that is a drink.  Or If your last name is Perry you might not want to name your daughter Mary.  It rhymes.  If your name is Noonan you might not consider Anna because it's almost a tongue twister.  Therefore I think you should pick something that sounds nice together and you and your spouse both like.  Remember your child will have to live with the name you pick.  Decide what is important to you.  Do you like strong names, romantic names, old names, trendy names etc.  Choose from the category you like.  Get a baby name book and look through to help you choose.  Good luck.  I'm sure you'll pick a good one because you are already concerned about making the right decision.

  19. 1 it's origin - i.e. honoring a family member; also, what kind of style it is (I like older more traditional names)

    #2 it's popularity - I don't want a name that is too popular, and definitely don't want to use a name that is just a trend.

    #3 it's sound - how it flows with the middle and/or last name, or I simply ask myself, does it sound feminine, strong, etc  I prefer Ingrid over Imogen, and Miriam over Marion.

    #4 it's meaning - actually this means very little, unless it turned out to mean something terrible (I like traditional names, not modern "made" name, so this isn't likely); might use it for a tie breaker...

    The name's origin is most important since naming a child after someone special overrules any of these rules should they go against them.

  20. For ME, it was:

    - easy to pronounce without adding the phonetics

    - not a name that carries 15 nicknames (for example, Katherine - Katie, Kate, Kathy, etc etc)

  21. What ever you feel good about within your heart.

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