
When natural disasters strike?

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So the only rain at the DNC was in the Fox News booth, and the hurricane is going to hit during the RNC...

... where the h**l is Crimmy and all those other yahoos who think bad weather is a sign of God's anger?




  1. maybe your focus is in the wrong place. Southern Decadence is also taking place this weekend. it might be over by the time it arrives, but allowing it to take place again.

  2. And what if the storm goes through Denver what does that indicate

  3. If the Republicans have to "change" the dates of their convention, do you think they will get the "message"?

    OK, I'll edit to present the other side:

    Gustav will prevent current Pres. Bush from attending, which is a Divine way of saying McCain is not a third term of Bush.

  4. The disaster is hitting an area famous for sin. I'd never live there so it doesn't effect me.  

    God allows calamities to awaken our need for His protection, and has sent us a last-day warning in the only part of the Bible that was "sealed until the end of the days."  See

    God has made provisions to save all who will conform to His divine will. Join me, won't you?

    Shalom, peace in Jesus, Ben Yeshua

  5. Az-Zalzala

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    When the earth is shaken with her (violent) shaking, (1) And the earth brings forth her burdens, (2) And man says: What has befallen her? (3) On that day she shall tell her news, (4) Because your Lord had inspired her. (5) On that day men shall come forth in sundry bodies that they may be shown their works. (6) So. he who has done an atom's weight of good shall see it (7) And he who has done an atom's weight of evil shall see it. (8)  

  6. Hum, I don't think now is a good time to joke about natural disasters. Not with hurricane Gustav bearing down on the Gulf coast. If Gustav has a direct hit on New Orleans (or other Gulf cities)  the results will be horrendous.  The poor people living in this area will have their lives turned upside down.... again.  I hope all will listen to the warnings this time and flee to saftey.

    I would say Crimmy is in church this morning. With her family.

  7. On Holiday?

  8. Still running scared is where they are. A sign of nature maybe not God and it will hit where and when it hits.

  9. did Fox News booth cause rain...have you even seen the independent report that calls Fox News the most balanced of all the cable news shows...but i'm guess you like people to tell you things that agree with how you think...and you call that free or critical thinking...

  10. If people build cities, below sea level in an area known for severe storms...well, you do the math.

    And if they plan events in areas prone to severe storms during the seasons known for such storms...who is responsible for the outcome?

    If we don't act on the information we have, why blame anyone else for the result?

    Funny how God's anger runs in fairly predictable cycles

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