
When night falls, and you amble about...........?

by  |  earlier

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Do you prefer to wander about by the light of candles and oil lamps, or would you sooner, turn on the electrics?




  1. i would absolutely love lighting a candle or two. i know this is cliche, but it's kind of romantic, y'know? now i just need someone to share it with.

  2. i go for the electrics. oil lamps make too many shadows and i'm way too paranoid as it

  3. I'd go for oil lamps, if I have any. Brings back childhood memories of my grandmother lighting oil lamps at dusk. Something quaint and serene in that.

  4. I wear nightvision goggles and carry an infrared flashlight.

  5. I prefer the light of the full moon.I disdain open flames such as torches, candles and artificial lights. When one is in nature one should learn how to howl at the full moon, and cope as well as possible without bringing ones man made life pilfering novelties with him or her. Besides those idiots burn down the forests.

  6. I have candles. I bought more candles yesterday and I love them. Candles are even better when you have somebody to share them with.   : )

  7. Anything but turning on those bright, blinding lights.

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