
When norms are broken what are people's rections?

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When norms are broken what are people's rections?




  1. norms? All norms have been broken in my opinion. It isn't normal for 2 men to have anal s*x together, it isn't normal for women to abort their babies, it isn't normal for people to lie, cheat and steal, it isn't normal for people to want to put earrings in their noses and p***s. It isn't normal for people to hate goodness, decency and honesty and label these things as judgmental. I'm just waiting for future generations to do away with the rest of the norms if any even exist by that time. Norm? Everyone wants the right to act like a freak of nature, that is the new norm. Maybe I should dye my skin green, walk around with a d***o hanging out of my butt, shave my head on one side, cover my scalp with tattoos, and dye the other half purple and black, get myself some chains to hang from my ear to my nose, and have my b***s cut off, then go rob a bank, but on the way smash every kids head I see into a tree until they die, then marry a monkey and eat its p**p for supper after I take my 20 anti depressant pills prescribed by my psych doctor cause everyone else is judging me and won't let me be who I was born to be, then maybe I'd fit the new norm. Like my reaction? Cool isn't it, I fit right in. hahahahaha ;-)

  2. Just take a look at what happened to parents when Elvis first got popular. There you have it.

  3. People either make a scene or completely ignore broken societal norms.

  4. poeple act negativly depending on the degree of the norm broken may be a look or talking behind their back or may approach to complain

  5. when norms are broken it is typical for society to be against it because they don't understand it and shocks them. society often fears and feels threatened by change.

      take homosexuality for example. yes it has always been around, but before people were more critical of it then they are today. the world back then just didn't understand and because of that they did all kinds of crazy things. like people would tell there kids that it was contagious or that every g*y person was a child molester, which in todays world of "live and let live" seems totally insane and is know to be not true. also people would stare at g*y couples when they seen them and some really awful people even did g*y bashing. i mean i know that people still stare and are still predijuice against homosexuals but not to the same degree for the most part.

      i guess what i am trying to say with this great big speach, is that when norms of society are broken society freaks out, but then when the next genaration grows up it suddenly seems not to be such a big deal anymore.

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