
When oh when will be rid of this horrendous Labour government?

by  |  earlier

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Bring on Cam, please!!!!




  1. You must be joking! gordon ( he doesn't deserve capital letters, only punishment), is probably working on a way to avoid an election as we speak. There will be a state of emergency, just you watch.

  2. As soon as Cameron manages to haul his backside onto yet another band wagon and the British public fall for it. Believe me the tories when led by Eton educated toffs will be no better.

  3. Did  Guy  Falks  have  any  kids?

  4. and bring in what as an alternative....Conservatives? Liberals?......

    If you want Britain to be great again and have its own voice,

    Vote BNP......NEXT TIME.

  5. The sooner the better.

  6. Labours shite but the conservatives won't exactly do much different

    they're all the bloody same now

    the only way out of the shithole we're in is the BNP and they aren't how the media makes them out to be

    have a nosey at their manifesto

    you would be surprised

  7. When the Torys get in.

  8. The problem is we get rid of one c**p goverment only to be then replace by another c**p goverment.  They say what we want to hear we fall for it, they make decisions we aint happy with we then cant vote on those decisions made so whats the point, lol??

  9. As soon as we elect an horrendous conservative one or some other horrendous party, but hopefully not with a moron like David Cameron as prime minister, he's just a waste of a good skin.

  10. When Europe takes over

  11. You really think the tories will be an improvement?

  12. you obviously didn't live when you paid poll tax.then you would know what horrendous is.

  13. I know how you feel!How do you think I feel after being a Labour supporter for nearly 50years!Betrayed!The sooner they are voted out! The better!

  14. sooner the better

  15. if the Tories are to replace them, then it wont be any different. more lies more sleaze and twice!!! the immigration because Tories love! cheap labour. I'm afraid that the only way to see change for the better! is to vote outside the main three parties. my vote is going to the British National Party. i am sic of seeing our country and our culture destroyed in the name of Islam and the labour party.

  16. The BNP is the only party with a sensible manifesto for Britain and the British people,

    we have about eighteen months to go before the next election,

    may I inform the people on this site that things will get much worse between then and now, prepare as best you can for yourselves and your families.

  17. i totally agree one good thing is this might be the end of the labour party the way they are going, especially if scotland gets independence. the cons will be allot better why? because you cannot get any worse you look at every labour government over spending and leaving this country broke then the cons get back in make lots of money this country decides it wants socialists back in and the pattern repeats. and before anyone mentions the Pound's forced withdrawal from the ERM gordon brown selling our gold reserves right before the price rocketed is known in the city as "browns bottom" and has cost our country billions he is an idiot and blair was an idiot with personality.

  18. You are obviously too young to remember the tories.

    You think lies and sleaze abound now???...Wait till the tories get back in.  They don't know what morality is.

    I haven't got much time for new labour, but don't make the mistake of thinking the tories are any better...believe me...they are not!!!

  19. Can't be soon enough. I think they will try the 'change of leader' trick first though, that will con some people into forgetting that it is the whole darned party that are a serious threat. Harriet Harman is positioning herself to become leader. That will attract a lot of feminist votes simply because she is a women. God help us, they still have two years left.

    Don't forget that Theresa May gave Harman's latest positive discrimination Bill her support. What an idiot.

    EDIT. The 'you don't remember when the Tories were in' brigade are out in force again. Well, I do, and they saved this country from bankruptcy and the Bullying Unions who were destroying British industry with their ridiculous strikes and pay demands. A bunch of Trotskyist anarchists.

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