
When one of you is on the black ball and you have two shots, is it a foul to hit another ball on to the black.

by  |  earlier

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The problem here was that the black was over the pocket and the opponents ball was covering it - completely. There was no way to "whack" it out. So, it is either legal to pot it by hitting the coloured ball, or it's a re-rack. So many bloomin' rules out there, we decided to use Yahoo.....




  1. yes


  3. yes it is, and being a foul on the black, you techinically lose the game.

  4. The rules we play to say that would be a "Legal" shot.

  5. in pro rules it is an illegal move wich would lead to your opponent winning that frame

  6. Assuming that we're talking about 8-ball, this is definitely a loss of game.  The shot was a foul because the legal object ball was not contacted first.  In a situation like this, it would be a better idea to take an intentional foul by not hitting anything and put the pressure on your opponent to get his object ball away from the 8-ball without pocketing the 8-ball.  There's a decent chance that he may pocket the 8-ball out of turn, giving you the victory.  M.D.-BCA Instructor Referee.

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