
When one says "Purple *****", what race do you think of?

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I find it very offending when some white guys just use the term "purple d**k" to label those asian guys. I'm white but i still don't like it at all.




  1. Never heard that before.

  2. Oh're missing the point...'purple ****' usually mean RAGING hard*ns...and "that's" a good thing...hehehe...

  3. I haven't even heard of that term before. It doesn't have any obvious meaning, but if it is an offensive term I wouldn't use it.

  4. I have never heard anyone refer to Asian penises as "purple d**k."

    The only purple d**k I ever had was from that guy Grimace in the McDonalds commercials, and thats only because I didn't have enough money for a strawberry milkshake.

  5. No Race comes up to me, I just think about Prunes or Old People

  6. People need to relax that words do not hurt you. I used to think the same way, however if there was one thing that /b/ (4chan) taught me is that all it really is are just words with history. Take Anonymous on /b/ for example, none of the browsers or "lurkers" there are really racist when they use the N word, and most of the lurkers there are black themselves that realize the board is there just to be a monster on purpose.

    It made me relax that perhaps they were doing something good for once. I would never use it because I do not want to get my *** kicked, but perhaps someday there will come a time when these words do not mean anything and people will learn to not get so easily offended over stupid c**p. However until then, it's better just to not uses these words in real life, unless you on an anonymous message board instead. ;)

  7. i never heard of such term. by the way i'm myself an asian and i feel happy that you can be so open minded and understanding. Well, it not only happens to white guys labeling others negatively but for your information certain chinese they do label white guys as 'ghost with red fur' as translated.

    The most important is we should accept everybody as we expect others to accept us in return.

  8. Yeah i totally agree with you. Those guys who like to use the term are just idiotic! I'm a white g*y guy too. But, it's really disgusting to see those racists using the term.

  9. That's true, it is offending and I know because I'm Asian myself, Iv'e never had it used on me though.

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