
When ordering drinks at a crowded bar, should you do anything other than stand there like a lemon waiting to b

by Guest45406  |  earlier

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be served.

I don't see why I should have to crane my head forward like an idiot and compete with other idiots to get served. If they get served before me because the bar staff are idiots then I don't give a sh*t. I've got some dignity at least.

Trouble is my mates get angry and impatient when it is my round and I can't get the drinks in quickly because of this.

Neil. Surrounded by idiots as usual.




  1. What I do is catch the waiters eye and not give it back till my glass is full!

  2. Have the hottest friend in your group go buy the drinks

  3. give the money to one of the friends that is angry and impatient while you relax, drink and flirt with the girls!!

  4. DRINK at a better bar.

  5. Trick is to tip the barman/maid with the very first round you buy - You'll always get better service afterwards

  6. The staff have not been trained properly big problem in pubs now.

    They are supposed to keep they're eyes open to watch for people and serve in the order as best they can.

    Most now serve they're mates 1st and then the ones he/she fancies chatting up.

    Sod em Hold your money out and smile looking as bored as you can May Work but I doubt it   lol

  7. Most females have 2 things that help them get served at the bar so we have an advantage :). I always try and stand next to someone who is getting served as some bar staff just serve the nearest person also get eye contact with one of the staff. Good Luck!

  8. You could jump up and down or break something but not to be recommended. If your mates complain why not give them some money, say you know I'm no good at this and let them do it. No ones good at everything.

  9. Just get your tenner out and thrust it purposefully at the bar man, if you can make it so that he can't get past your dosh so much the better.

  10. Just hold up your hand and say "hey mate, I am next"

  11. If I don't get served quick enough I get mad and leave. Go to another bar, if your mates don't follow you out, too bad they miss out.

  12. Hold the money in your hand with your arm on the bar where the bartender can see it.  If you leave it on the bar they'll assume it was change or you're waiting to finish your drink to buy another one.  Smile and make eye contact.  Don't say anything like "Hey buddy!!!", that'll get you ignored.  Say "Excuse me, we need another round"  And be quick about the order, know what you want when you go up to a busy bar.  The last thing us bartenders want is being slammed and then hearing someone say "Uh, um, I think that's 1, 2, 3 Bud Lights...and?"  And then have to turn around and ask your table.  Be confident.  "We need 3 Bud Light bottles, 2 Patron and tonics with lime, and one strawberry daiquiri."  Done.

  13. Take out some cash and set it on the bar in front of you. Most times, that acts like a beckoning finger. =)

  14. this was on tv last night,you need to make an impression,fight your way to the front,smile and hold your money in your hand high enough so the barman/maid can see.

    Yes don`t forget make eye conact and dont take your eyes off them

  15. try to make eye contact with the bartender and smile.... usually a friendly face will get you a drink faster than an impatient one

  16. Dont use the bar or make sure you get the first round in as usually your mates are stood with or near you and then you wont have to go later on when it gets busy....

  17. as a barmaid for 14 years, the best way to get served quickly is to hold your money note up and wave it, this catches the barmaids attention straight away. its very hard trying to know who is the next customer at the bar when its busy.try it ,it always works. dont start shouting or moaning or you will be ignored as if she or he has not noticed you.

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