
When other countries have conflicts why can't the US stay out....?

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and not interfere ?




  1. I wish we would, but our politicians dont listen to us anymore.

  2. Other countries don't need to have conflicts for the US to interfere - eg Afghanistan and Iraq.

    The US never does anything for moral reasons - only for economic greed reasons.  That means, the US does look after the US period!



  4. Maybe American and Jewish interests.

  5. coz' cia and defense dpt gotta justify their budgets

  6. it has allot with globalist agendas of the people in power.

  7. How?

    Decode this lyrics " Colour of the wind"

    With glory and honour?

    As Freedom Figther?

    With Code of Honour ?

    "In God we trust" ?

    As Liberator of Freedom from world war two?

    With the Liberation of Freedom from world war two?

    For the good of mankind?

    In making this world a better place to live in time?

    With their creation of peace on earth goodwill to men after world war two?

    In the creation of a new civilization in time?

    After world war two?

    With all the little ones out there in kicking them on the butts?

    With self lack of knoledge?

    Who expose their ruling,leading guiding Elders were rude with self lack of knowledge back in the past in kicking the bitts of God in not worshiping God?

    Exposing their young one misbehave with unruly behaviour, self prides, self rudeness, self image of standing idol, self discrimination as people of different races of self racism with self lack of knowledge as the dog that bite it's master?

    For raising them up in time?

    In doing things at own whims and fancy?

    With cheap-skate ghostly stories on non-exixtence rights of self independence from world war two?

    When they led and guided the "dirty old men" to walk out to their Freedom from world war two back in the past.

    Exodus 20.1-3

    Leviticus 26.13

    Leviticus 4.13, 22

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  8. Oh, it doesn't always get involved.  All we're doing with places like Burma, Darfur, and Zimbabwe is going through the motions.  You don't see us invading, do you?  We have to put on some kind of show, or else other countries in the UN complain.  Rather stupid since those same countries complain even when we do something.  I tend to think the US should take care of the US, period.

  9. greed

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