
When other drivers drive too slow does this annoy you?

by  |  earlier

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Hi. I just passed my test and my parents want me to prove to them that i can drive really slow because at the mo im driving too fast. So, next time your behind a car with a young driver in it just pretend that they're me and they don't mean to drive too slow.

NB.... if the speed limits 30 my parents want me to do 25 and im like waaaaaaaaat. But trust me, if i want to get my independence i have to drive slow. So, if you come across me on the streets please don't stick up a finger cuz im driving slow.

Appreciate it!!




  1. Only when they are texting

  2. You do want ever you have to do.

  3. Just drive at the speed your parents want, and whatever makes you comfortable, and the heck with the others.

      As long as you maintain a steady, legal speed, you are within your rights, as some roads have a minimum speed you have to travel. like interstates and turnpikes.

      No matter our age, we all had to start somewhere, and I'm sure every one of us made mistakes and made others mad, so  good luck and ignore the bums that are in such a hurry.

  4. all driver have been a new driver at some point, they don't bother me at all.

    its the driver who over take you when you are doing the speed limit and disappear in front of you in a flash

  5. Just maintain that speed and do not do like these old people. Go slow until they get to the passing lane then speed up. I hate that S***.

  6. Your parents are fools if they think you will drive slow when out of their sight.

    EVERY youngster drives too fast, and far too many supposedly grownups do too.

    I always get a kick out of the people who race from one red light to the next. I get there just as fast and rarely have to use the brakes, because I'm driving at a speed young people call "too slow" (at the speed limit)

  7. dont worry ur not the only one it annoys me too but u just have to deal with it somehow

    turn the radio and listen to some music

  8. Don't care how slow you go as long as you're in the right lane and there is a passing lane.  If you're in the left lane, drive with the flow of traffic.

    Appreciate it!!

  9. yes it very much annoys me!

  10. Stay to the right and drive the speed limit.  If others don't like it they can go suck an egg!

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