
When our government serves the corporate and wealthy classes primarily, is it time to overthrow our government

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I recommend "What's The Matter With Kansas?" by Thomas Frank to get a perspective on how the conservative poor are taken in and vote for wealthy Republican candidates.




  1. Yes! Arm yourselves America its only going to get worse. At least the supreme court upheld our right to keep and bear arms! If we did not have that right then the only people that would have guns are the criminals and the police. If you have not noticed the police are not much better than the criminals these days! Can you say police state? Our government needs to fear its people not the other way around!

  2. If you don't like it, attempt to start a movement to vote the "bad guys" out of their offices. True overthrow is high treason and you will be executed for it, so don't waste your time dreaming of being a hero.

  3. Americans are slaves.  It is time to reject Corporate Royalism and accept American Royalism.  It is time to be your own king.  Where does the corporation get its power?  The consumer and the employee!  If we refuse to work for the corporation it will not run.  If we refuse to consume the corporation's products it will not survive.  There is your overthrow.  It will be complete and it will be whole.  And few will die.  Become the wealthy class!  Make all the wealthy class.  And leave no one behind except them that refuse.  

    Here is the great coup that will not end lives.

  4. Our Government is serving the lobbyists, corporations, and anything that has to do with bigger Government.  Yes its' time to OUST THESE BUMS OUT OF OFFICE.

  5. We're long past that point.  The sheer number of people who'd need to be assassinated to separate the Corporate Oligarchy FROM the government would result in utterly destroying both.  Voting is Irrelevant.   Because both would use the military to prevent being separated.

  6. It is hard to take you serious. The things you say have merit but the way to fix them is not anarchy. War is a disturbing way to right a wrong. Look how war has helped Iraq, we have messed all that up are you suggesting we follow the way lame ducks.

  7. Don't I wish! :0)

  8. No! If only they get greedy

  9. "The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to the point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism - ownership of government bey an individual, by a group or by any controlling private power." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

    "When any form of government becomes destructive, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it." - Thomas Jefferson

    "The death of democracy is not likely to be an assassination from ambush. It will be a slow extinction from apathy, indifference and undernourishment." - Robert Maynard Hutchins

    "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson

    You're right: our government needs to be overthrown. But, like lobsters languishing in a pot of lukewarm water, we Americans won't get off the couch, put down our remotes, and demand our country back until the water starts to boil over. Then it will be too late. The despots will already have taken over and we will find ourselves living in a totalitarian dictatorship.   -RKO-  06/30/08

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