
When out in public people

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I always think people are always looking at me I dont know why




  1. It may be all in your head,or maybe they are looking at you.Just go about your business and don't think about it.OR, you could always give them something to look at!

  2. people have to look somewhere so it's inevitable that some will look at you otherwise everyone would be looking at the floor. don't worry about it,it's not personal

  3. i do too! And i always think people are looking at me and talking about ME. I always think that i may have something wrong with my hair or something. Or just a LOT of stuff.

    i have very low self esteem so that's prob why. You most likely have it too.

  4. i use to but then i realized that the world isn't always about me!

    I also use to think when ever somone looked at me i felt i could read their thoughts!  again i'm sure they are not thinking about me! the world is soo big!

    and how many times i drifted off into space or was just looking at someone having thoughts of what's for dinner or wonder what that would look like on me! ect... i'm not think of them or what not!  

    so dont' worry!  

  5. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're out to get you!  Seriously, though, everyone feels self conscious now and then, don't stress it.  Just remember that most people are way too caught up in their own lives to even notice that you're alive.  Not so great for the self esteem, but it helps us remember that we're probably not being watched anywhere near as closely as we may think we are.

  6. Everyone thinks that.  

    Just keep in mind that you are the only person who is really concerned with how you look, and everybody else is the same way.

    Do you spend any time at all thinking about what someone else looks like? Unless you like her of course.

  7. either you are looking at them and they are looking back, or you do something that stands out- dress or hair, or even color of skin.

    Don't get mad, or even bitter, just be confident in your self.

  8. There are people who are looking at you just as you are looking at other people.  But when someone stares at the back of your head you notice it because that is where the vision center is in your brain.  And what you are getting into is the power that can be generated by the eyes.  Sounds like you would be a good optometrist.

  9. You probably have the same problem and Bonzie

  10. Every couple of weeks for four years while I was in college we had to stand up in front of over 50 other students and lecturers at the front of class to do presentations.  The first time I had to do this I was s******g myself before it, but once I got going I saw that half or more were looking everywhere else, at their watch, their mobile phone, out the window, doodling on a notepad, fast asleep (usually during rag week).  Luckily I just got over it, I now work in photography and people are looking and staring all the time, I;m just too busy to notice it.  Maybe that's what you need, something to distract you so you are not thinking about people looking at you all the time.

  11. I do the same thing. But I'm paranoid and have low self esteem.

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