
When owning a condo do you have to pay for heating and water

by Guest56621  |  earlier

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My mom and me are looking into buying a condo. I just want to know if you have to pay for heating and water and how much can they run for




  1. Ask the condo organization.  Some condos may include things like that but most would not.  I would ask people that live in those condos how much this sort of thing runs.  No way to guess on a web site.

    Knock on a few doors-smile-tell them you are about to buy and wonder how they like the place- then ask them your questions.

  2. Of course you pay them.  If you OWN the condo, you pay for all the expenses.

  3. Yes, you pay for it one way or another.  If the building in which you intend to buy has only one meter, then the costs of heating will be included in your monthly condo fees.  If there are separate meters for those utilities, then you will be billed directly by the utility firms which provide same.

  4. It really depends on the building. If it was built as a condo, you would pay for all utilities. If it was converted from apartments, such as a vintage building, there would be no way to make the heating system independent for each unit. But you end up paying the assessments anyway, so the end result is, you pay your portion of running the building either way.

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