
When parallel parking ____________.?

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When parallel parking ____________.?




  1. be careful.

  2. Pull up to the front cars rear tires

    back into the spot

    Don't hit the car in front of or behind you

    If you don't think that you can do it without hitting either car don't do it and park a mile away and walk to your destination.

    If you don't think you can do it but do it anyway and hit someone elses car make sure to leave your info or you may be charged with a hit and run.

    I guess I should have first said make sure the spot is big enough for your car to fit and don't try to park in a compact spot in a huge SUV or truck.

  3. Make darn sure you actually have a car! :D

  4. dont do it, just go and buy that new car that does it for you LOL

  5. where your bumper is

  6. ummmm park the car?

    idk what your asking

  7. Signal your intentions when pulling into parking space from moving traffic. You can either go "head in" or "tail in" when parallel parking, but you’ll find that most state driving manuals recommend the tail-in maneuver.

    Choose a designated parking space that you are sure is long and/or wide enough for our vehicle. Make certain that the cars around you have seen you and are prepared to move around you, and that there’s enough room for them to do so. Do not create a traffic hazard.

    When parallel parking, look behind you both ways to make sure your path is clear of pedestrians.

    Finally, when parallel parking, do not tap the vehicles in front or behind you. This is not what bumpers are for.

  8. -make sure the space you are trying to get into is bigger than the car you are driving.

    -pass the spot and reverse into it

    -you might have a bumper, but you shouldnt need to use it

  9. Signal into the space and look behind you.

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