
When people are trying to raise money, why do they only want the tab from the Coke can?

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is all the weight in the tab?




  1. For things like this I check  Here is the link.  According to them, it is false.  I have heard about it, but never met anyone who actually did this.  I think that this is false.

  2. uh, you can put 1,000 tabs in a lunch bag.

    try putting 1,000 cans in a bag.

    this is what's called a nobrainer.

    if that's not enough, try counting 'em.

    they don't.

    they weigh 'em.

    cans often have left over liquid in them.

    which throws the count off.

    tabs don't.

    weighing pull tabs is far more accurate.

  3. Tabs have more aluminum (if not pure) content and has a higher recycle value than the whole can itself which contain aluminum + tin.

    Let's recycle...and save our Mother Nature.

  4. around here all of it is what you get money for

  5. Mainly because the tab has more aluminum than the whole can. That's also why people won't take cans if they don't have tabs because it's pretty much useless.

    But really if it can be recycled it should be recycled.

  6. well, i think because it is commonly used to make wheelchairs and like bicycles and stuffs like that, i also think that it is easy to recycle than the can itself because it doesn't need cleaning, or separating the label, and i think it is a pure aluminum in it and doesnt have the impurities in it

  7. The pull tab has not been subjected to the phosphoric, citric, and carbolic acids of the soda, so it's almost pure aluminum.   The can itself is usually painted and coated with a wax-like film as well, thus adding to the impurities and making the aluminum more costly to smelt.

  8. URBAN LEGEND you get just as much for a pound of crushed pop cans as you would for a pound of tabs this story has been floating around for years.When the cube of crushed pop cans in dropped into the melting vat all impurities are burned of and pure aluminium is left to be poured into ingots.

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