
When people are victims of suicide you think they stay earthbound from the shock/trauma?

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Could their relatives/friends think they are still hanging around where it happened and that's why they leave flowers etc. at the place they were killed?




  1. If there were a connection between an unexpected death and haunting, then I believe victims of any violent means of death, including those killed by suicide bombers, would be prime candidates for haunting.

    People leave flowers as a show of solidarity and respect for those killed.  Little memorials like that are often placed in the area of the killing by the general public, where the individual families might create a memorial at the burial place.

  2. People leave flowers to help themselves with the grief.  They deliver the flowers and have a good cry.

    Good point, about the remaining spirits though. I don't know, hopefully someone shows up and takes them to the light.

  3. Well, I think that depends on the person who was killed. Sometimes when a person is spontaneously killed like that they actually have no idea that they're that case, yes- I think they are "trapped" in that specific place for a period of time until someone helps them "cross over" or they eventually figure it out on their own. For people who die and know they are dead, or see "the light" so to speak, I think they immediately cross over and spend eternity where they were meant to. So I would say, it just depends....

  4. I think folk just like having a kind of second memorial in addition to the place where the person is buried.

    It's also common to put a cross and flowers on the side of the road when people are killed in a car accident.

    And remember all those thousands of bunches that people put in London outside Buckingham Palace (?) when Princess Di was killed, even though the accident was in France.

  5. If some battlefields like Gettysburg are supposed to be haunted, then one would logically expect the same of other places where a lot of people died violent deaths.  

    But I haven't heard any stories of ghost hauntings at those places.

  6. I think this would be an interesting challenge if they ever run "America's Top Psychic" again on TV or maybe "Americas Top Medium"

    Have psychics go to places where public deaths like this have occurred (and this time have control places where nothing took place) and see what if anything they detect. Maybe limit it to events that happened within 2 years (so you can't look 100 years back to find something that matches the psychic description).

    I'm sure other controls for this experiment could be thought up but still it seems like a question that could only be answered with anything other than belief by conducting experiments.

    For my personal opinion I am unsure as to if spirits get stuck or if the trauma is so charged it just records the event in the atmosphere and allows others to see it replayed.

    Of course I also think both are possible and which one may not always be easily knowable.


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