
When people ask how far along you are do you give them months or weeks??

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im 13 weeks. I believe 14-17 weeks is 4 months, right?

I like doing months more because it makes this pregnancy appear to be progressing :)




  1. 4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40 Weeks

    1 month=4 weeks

    9 months =36 weeks

    You are still in your 3 rd month

  2. Give them whatever you want to. Even a black eye (just kidding not really)

  3. i give weeks  

  4. Basically for the week of me turning a certain month pregnant......i say months.

    But the  weeks inbetween i use weeks.

    On the 12th of next month, i'll be 5 months... the week before and after i'll probably say 5 months. Then after that i'll go back to weeks

    haha. I like using months too.


  5. both, b/c usually when i tell them the weeks they ask how many months is that

  6. I always used weeks, just because that's what the doctor uses.

  7. I usually say weeks, and then give months if the person (usually a guy or woman without kids) looks confused about how far along that is lol. I am 35 weeks now which is basically 8 full months, but with only 5 weeks left it makes it sound so much longer lol.

  8. ive answered in both. it just depends on who you're talking to and how much time you have to chat. another mommy who just had a baby: weeks. a male cashier at a gas station: months. it just depends.

  9. weeks becasue each week makes a differance

  10. always do weeks. you sound more intellegent.

  11. It depends if it is someone who understands the weeks then i tell them how many weeks but everyone doesnt get that so i tell them how many months.

  12. I think people understand months better - thats what I told everybody, but my husband and I counted in weeks and celebrated every tuesday cause thats when the weeks changed.


  13. I use weeks.. only because it changes each week obviously so I am gaining more each week and i am getting closer and closer to the date!! the doctor also uses weeks  

  14. yep that's about 4 months!

    congrats and good luck!

  15. I always answered in weeks as each week brought new stages to the pregnancy however at times I did resort to saying things like "almost 5 months".  Congratulations and enjoy your baby :)

  16. Well technically, both. When you aren't even a month pregnant, you use weeks, and after you are a month pregnant, you use months...

  17. I give months too, I've just ticked over into the 9th month, you are right, it make it seem like it's further along!

  18. i give them wks it seems less confusin, i have 10 wks left 2go x

  19. I like using weeks.Yes,your almost 4 months.Congrats.

    I guess I like weeks because I get a newsletter every week of my pregnancy that shows how the baby is growing and everything lol. that I think about it I guess I am almost six months pregnant.Wow,it blows my mind.I love being pregnant.

  20. depends on how well you know them, most ppl only ask cos thats what you do, give those one months. for the people that actuallly care how far along you are, give them weeks.

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