
When people ask you how are you doing, do you answer honestly?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so do you know how people are usually like, "How are you doing?" Most of us I believe automatically say "I'm doing fine, thank you," or something like that right? For example, my Mom could be screaming at me and going hysterical into a frenzy and basically totally losing it, and then if someone asked her how she's doing, she would say "I'm doing fine," like nothing's wrong at all. Sometimes like I feel in general asking how someone's doing is a very ironic question. I mean, what are you supposed to do, tell them it's the most horrible day of your life and totally flood out your stuffed feelings? I'm sure some people do that, but usually I keep to myself and just say I'm doing! I would like to know what you think of what I just typed and what you do in this situation. Only mature, complete sentences please! Thank you. :) LOL!




  1. usually no because then i might have to go into detail and my problems are way too involved to do that . normally it is just a way of greeting but it is nice to hear it from someone who really does give a c**p about how you are actually doing .

  2. i sAY

    ' TERRIBLE!'

    when they say that will be fourteen dollars I BUST THEM!

    THEN the manager asks me to leave the store,




  3. Most of the time, it's people in shops who either have to ask as part of their job or who are just being polite. I figure it's not their fault they have to ask and they're just trying to get through another shift so I usually say "fine thanks, how are you?" with one exception when I was in a really terrible mood and said "I've been better".

    If it's a vague acquaintance, I'll say "fine thanks, how are you?" just because if I say anything different, people will try to get me to tell my life's story

    If it's a really close friend, I'll tell the truth because I'll want them to know

  4. First of all I know what you mean about the mature, complete sentences!!! LOL... I usually just say "I'm doing fine, how are you?" or somethinglike that.  When someone tells me his/her whole life story I feel like just walking away and letting them just talk to themselves, but I think that would be rude so I just stay there.  It makes a good conversation for my friends later.

  5. Usually the way I answer depends on who is asking the question.  I know the people who actually care, and I can give them a short answer like, good, tired, blah, "don't ask, you don't want to know" and so on.  The people who are just asking from politeness, I reply with "Fine, how are you".  It's just a social convention.

  6. Depends on who is asking me. If it's someone I feel comfortable with, i'll answer honestly, sometimes it's a chance to vent. :) If it's say, my hair stylist or a store clerk i'll answer, "fine, and yourself?"

  7. It is called a "pleasantry,"  a polite social remark <exchanged pleasantries>.  It is merely a way of beginning a social interaction, or making a brief encounter a pleasant one.

    Honest answers are not expected, nor should they be attempted.  The proper response to "How are you?" is always, "FINE, thank you! And YOU?"

    Have a polite day.

  8. that's funny i've thought about this question for some time now;; H0NESTLY i usually just say im fine-- when in all actuality im not, but asking that question i think you can take it in different ways as in generally speaking how are you at that moment...and then how are you as in hows life going! i always take that question as in the present how am i feeling at that moment... when i answer that question i give general feelings like tired, bored, mad or whatever, i dont take it as how's ur life going because in all honesty peope ask that because it's nice and polite i don't think people TRULY care!

    all they ask for is the present-- or so i think....

  9. It's just a form of social greeting. If I'm not close to the person, I'll just reply "I'm fine , thank you. How bout you?". I'm sure the person is just being polite and  we have to be polite in return..

    However, if it's my close friends, I'd tell them what's bothering me.. or making me excited, etc. Why? Because I know they are interested and I want to share my feelings.

    There are times however, that you don't want to disclose your feelings event to your close friends because it is a private embarassing matter and you are not ready to talk about it. So I may still reply "I'm fine, thank you" like your mom.

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