
When people find out I've been in jail, why do they always assume it was for prostitution?

by  |  earlier

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There are lots of other crimes....and some of them are not even that big of a deal.




  1. yea, I thought you were a bank robber.

  2. i wud have guess domestic violence ♥  

  3. I've always assumed assault/battery. You just have s*x to kill time, right?

  4. Someone once told me it was because you exposed yourself to religion... I knew that was a load of BS !!!  

  5. Tublet  the prostitute doesn't have that special ring to it, I'm pretty sure it's for smuggling babbies from Cuba.

    You babby smuggler

  6. i went to jail once . . .no one ever once brought up prostitution -- what kind of people are you hanging around?

    i went to jail because i got kicked out of the all-u-can-eat buffet.  Apparently, it's not true because they kicked me out and i had hardly gotten going on the dessert bar.

  7. Its gotta be that hat that you are wearing...I dunno what else it could be.  

  8. My money is on bodily assault, or money laundering.

  9. I would have thought it was for molesting good looking men on the bus.  My bad.

  10. Now I know why I love you. I love people in jail. You, Ding, my Dad, Leroy...

  11. Prostitution seemed so logical.

    You have to pay the bus driver somehow.

  12. I would think it would be for theft of "The Emperor's Clothes"

  13. I have the same problem but I just let them think that any way  

  14. People wonder that about me too.  I don't know why everyone assumes I'm so whorey.

  15. avy not helping you so much

  16. I always thought you were a drug lord..huh.

  17. Odd.

    Your veiled hostility always screamed "third-degree assault and battery" to me.

  18. How do you know they assume it's for prostitution? Do they just come out and say that to you?

    In any case, if they do in fact assume this, maybe they get the impression that you have loose morals. Do you dress revealingly? I know it's very easy to assume someone's a prostitute when they dress similar to one.

  19. the same thing happens to me......

  20. i hope its for arson...i like hot women.......seamanab x

  21. The oldest profession, it would be my first guess. =)

  22. I done got charged for poachin'. Poachin' eggs in the trailer, d**n cousins were ovulatin.


    <---skeered of you now

  24. Hmm, funny I always assume its attempted murder when it comes to you.

  25. Gee I always figured you for ritualistic cereal killer. *snicker snicker*

  26. we should really sit down and compare rap sheets...I keep mine in a cook book style binder...makes it all seem so much nicer...

  27. they assume that you're too pretty to have done anything too bad. what's wrong with an enterprising woman, anyway?

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