
When people from New Zealand visit America, what do they think when they see those Hondas with Acura badges on

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  1. They think the same as Italians, South Africans, Koreans, etc...!!! Acura is almost non existent outside the US & Canada, So any alien in the US with little knowledge about the automotive industry will find it weird.

  2. or how about the nissan's with infinity, or toyota's with lexus???? the japanese companies made the brand name changes due to the fact in the past americans would hear those names and be turned off. now they can buy an "elite " car and feel good about it.

    I guess they will feel the same way as just about every other visitor to the states... thay'll say wow, look at that "honda, nissan, toyota" etc....

  3. Not phased...  We have them too.

  4. To the contrary, Newzealand  per numbers has the most imported japanes cars in the world, every family has at least two most three cars per family now nearly all japanese, the reason is car importers started importing them in the eightys  second hand toyotas, hondas, nissans, subarus,etc, and they are so cheap, plus they have all factory extras, so they are very good buys.Australia does not do this only some sports type cars , know family sedans. Govt wont alloy it.

  5. I think "hey its a honda with a Acura badge" Then I think, why? It must be something George W Bush thought up. LOL.

  6. Why would we bother to think anything?  

    Not sure why anyone would be excited/interested by the USA calling something a different name to the rest of the world as they do it with so many things.

  7. Its not that strange as there are Acuras over here as well!! Obviously there are more hondas but yeah its not totally out of the blue or anything...

  8. Most US car brands are weird to visitors from outside US.  Most cars (globally) are modelled on European brands but the US doesn't.  That is why most of their cars odd to most of us from other parts of the World also its why Toyota is now the biggest selling brand in the US 'cause US cars are cheap, underpowered, consume too much gas and handle badly

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