
When people joke, Are they covering what they really think with a joke?

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When they say something in a joking tone, so you don't take it seriously, are they subconsciously meaning exactly what they are saying?

somebody just told me in a joking tone

-Why did you marry my friend?--

-OH ....who's gonna go out with me now ?--

I was supposed to laugh, but I couldn't




  1. thats called passive- agressive

  2. according to the sweetest thing;

    50% of what people say when theyre "only joking" is true (Y)

  3. ONLY

    hope that help

  4. If they didn't think it, they wouldn't say it. That sounds like a cover-up to me.

  5. Did you ever hear the expression "many a true word is said in jest"?

    I would say she most probably has a crush on him.  Wish-full thinking on her part.

    I wouldn't go double dating with her, and keep my eyes open how she behaves with him if you are mutual friends, and go to a party or any special occasion where she might be there too.

    Don't be obsessed with it, just be AWARE of her behavior.

    You got him he's yours have a happy life together.

  6. Not necessarily my friend.

    I joke like this all the time and I swear I've never meant it at any time.

    I don't know about the customs in your place but here in India we offer sweets to relatives and friends on the birth of a child.

    My brothers friend came up to me one day with a box of sweets. When asked what the occasion was he said that his wife had delivered a baby boy.

    I said "Wow, congrats, who's the father" ?

    The friend burst out laughing and tackled me to the ground and everyone enjoyed the joke.

    I suggest you don't take life so seriously dude. Liven up and let go.

  7. you know what, me myself a little joker.,not all things "toned" joking is not a joke.,but im a joker in the ryt tym.,not always,especially when im talking with a serious or silent type person.,

  8. Sometimes jokes are a way of answering a question that really has no answer.(Why did you marry me girlfriend? Did you really ask that? Are you trying to pry or pick a fight? ) A nd other times, it is what it is, a joke. Sometimes it's to avoid the question all together.

  9. Some are, some aren't. I think this one covers the pain of the situation.

    It's sometimes difficult to tell which part is the joke. A girl told me the other day that she was going to get me a leash. So she either wants to keep me around:) , have me restrained:|, or keep me tied up in her back yard:(.

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