
When people say, "respect your elders", does that imply that kids shouldn't be respected ?

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Where did such idea originate? Shouldn't EVERYONE respect EVERYONE?




  1. Elders do respect kids, only kids are too young to know that they are being respected. By the time reality hits, they are elder.

  2. I think that saying originated under the belief that children and young adults are more apt to need to be reminded to respect people in authority.

  3. it's old fashioned dogma that centers on the poor old people.

    Yes, respect is a two way street. but not in the 50's.

  4. haha "question queen doesn't give up"

    summing the email in a nutshell...

    older people know more

  5. Without reading into the statement, there is no implying whatever.

    Unfortunately and to discredit of others, many people oftentimes "imply" something into what is spoken, thus, there is room for error, which should not be there.

    And, you are correct - everyone should show and give respect to everybody else.

  6. Good question. It seems to imply that you don't have to respect anyone younger than yourself.I'm with you everyone should respect everyone else

  7. of course it doesnt mean kids shouldnt be respected, its just saying dont be nasty(mean) and rude to older people, yes everyone should respect everyone, but good luck

  8. Psh! Kids aren't people...

  9. I hate this expression. Why should I respect someone solely because they were born before me? Most people would answer 'because older people have more life experience etc', but many young people have gone through more in their life and done more for the world than older people. You cannot assume that simply because someone has been alive longer they have done more to deserve respect. I would except the expression 'respect people who have been through more than you have' but I for one will never respect someone simply because their parents had s*x before mine did.

  10. No, parents should respect their children as well. However, children don't know enough to be responsible for themselves. Parents are needed to guide and protect their children. Parents have been living life for awhile and have been educated in the ways of the world. So, they should be respected for having the knowledge, experience, and education to help and protect their children. Also, children need to be fed and cared for and this is the thing that children should respect their parents for as well.

  11. This statement has more to with acknowledging the fact that people older than you have more life experience. They sort of been there done that. But we in our youth don't want to accept what they have to say. So when we disregard their advice cause we don't think they know what their talking about it is a form of disrespect.

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